Become a F.A.S.T. Engineer

Essential Traits for Success

Ready to shift your dev skills into high gear? Becoming a F.A.S.T. Engineer is all about more than just racing through code or design; it’s about embracing feedback, asking the right questions, keeping things simple, and always staying curious. Buckle up as we dive into these traits with some fun and relatable examples from the world of software and systems engineering that’ll help you rev up your coding game!

F.A.S.T. – Smooth is Fast, Fast is Smooth!

F.A.S.T. stands for Feedback, Asking, Simplicity, and Training. Think of it as your pit crew for navigating the coding racetrack.

Just like in racing, where the fastest way around the track is the smoothest, having the quickest lap time alone won’t get you the trophy. It’s all about consistent, flawless performance every time, regardless of the obstacles. When you hit that perfect lap, it’s as satisfying as a well-tuned engine purring smoothly.

Let’s use these principles to keep you in top gear as a F.A.S.T. Engineer.


Feedback is like your GPS during a coding road trip. It helps you avoid those “wrong turn” moments and keeps you on the path to success.


Imagine you’re building a new feature and think you’re on a roll. You hit up a code review, and your team’s feedback is like that wise old navigator who points out, “Hey, you missed a crucial road!” They might suggest a few tweaks, like optimizing some code or addressing an edge case. Incorporating their advice is like taking their route suggestions – it makes your feature as smooth as a Sunday drive and way less likely to lead to a dead end.


Asking questions is like having a cheat sheet for those tricky coding puzzles. It’s your way of making sure you don’t get stuck on “hard mode.”


Picture you’re configuring a complex system with more moving parts than a Swiss watch. The documentation is thick enough to be a doorstop, and you’re not entirely sure about some settings. Instead of playing guessing games, you reach out to a senior developer or check with your team. Their insights are like the ultimate walkthrough guide – they help you nail the setup without falling into traps. Asking questions is your shortcut to success, saving you time and trouble!


Simplicity in coding means opting for the clearest, most maintainable approach – think of it as avoiding the extra fluff in a high-stakes game.


Remember when you were a kid, building with Lego blocks? Sure, you could stack on a million pieces, but the simplest designs often turned out the sturdiest. In coding, simplicity is about creating straightforward, easy-to-understand solutions. It’s like building a robust fortress with a few well-placed blocks instead of a sprawling, overcomplicated castle that’s prone to collapse. Keep it simple, and your code will thank you!


Continuous learning is like upgrading your toolkit – you wouldn’t drive a race car without the latest tech, right?


Learning a new programming language or framework is like tuning up your bike. You start with the basics, then add new skills and tools as you go. Just like you wouldn’t ride a bike without knowing how to balance, you wouldn’t tackle a new tech challenge without staying updated. By joining workshops, attending conferences, or diving into online courses, you keep your skills sharp and ready to take on any coding adventure.

Final Thoughts

Embracing the F.A.S.T. Principles is key for any engineer aiming for the winner’s circle. Focus on feedback, asking questions, simplicity, and continuous training to keep your development process smooth and efficient. Remember, being fast isn’t just about speeding through tasks; it’s about being smart and strategic. So, keep these principles in your toolkit, and you’ll be cruising towards a top-notch F.A.S.T. 🏎️engineer!

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